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Latest Articles
- Thijs Feryn
- August 24, 2021
This week's topic is about cookies, a surprisingly challenging topic when it comes to caching.
- Thijs Feryn
- August 17, 2021
This week’s episode is about Grace mode, Varnish’s interpretation of stale-while-revalidate.
- Thijs Feryn
- August 10, 2021
This week’s episode is about VCL — the Varnish Configuration Language — which is used to define your own caching...
- Thijs Feryn
- August 3, 2021
This week's episode is about load balancing, which is a concept where traffic load gets distributed to a collection of...
- Thijs Feryn
- July 26, 2021
This week’s episode is about the Varnish Controller, an administration console that simplifies the process of managing...
- Ian Vaughan
- July 20, 2021
Today's episode is about Varnish Discovery, but before we can talk about Discovery, we need to look back at last week's...
Explore articles from Varnish experts on web performance, advanced caching techniques, CDN optimization and more, plus all the latest tips and insights for enhancing your content delivery operations.