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mobile performance

How to prepare your website for Google's 2021 Page Experience Update

Your website's speed is not only important to your users, but also to Google. Google factors your page speed into your...

Micro PoPs: Placing your PoPs for content delivery reach

Technology evolves alongside what is demanded of it. This is true for digital content delivery and more specifically...

Why is adaptive design the right choice for web performance on mobile?

A couple of weeks back, we wrote about e-commerce on mobile, and how important device-specific performance has become...

3 ways to boost web performance on mobile: why real-time insight on connected devices matters

With a myriad of web-enabled devices on the market, it is essential for businesses to have a deep understanding of what...

Three must-haves for mobile optimization

According to a Cisco forecast, by 2020 global mobile traffic will bypass desktop traffic, projected to reach 30.6...

Media, entertainment & news: Up-to-the-minute mobile performance

In recent weeks, we’ve written a lot about mobile web performance and the importance of achieving content delivery on...