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Varnish Cache New Release Varnish Features Varnish Cache 7.5

Varnish Cache 7.5 Is Now Available

March 15th just passed, which means we can expect a new release of Varnish Cache. As a quick reminder: every year on...

Varnish Cache Just Got a New Image

A new Docker image was expected since Varnish Cache 7.5 just got released a few days ago. But this time, the new image...

Varnish Controller 6.0 Makes Varnish Easier Than Ever

Varnish Controller 6.0 is here! This represents a milestone for Varnish Software and the evolution of Controller, our...

Announcing the Official Varnish Enterprise Helm Chart

We’re happy to announce the availability of the official Varnish Enterprise Helm Chart. Helm is a package manager and...

4 Key Takeaways from Black Friday And How You Can Use Them Next Year

Another Black Friday has come and gone, along with its sister shop-holiday Cyber Monday. Although with the continued...

Stay Shoppable: Protect your Online Retail Uptime

Online retail can be unpredictable, which is why strategizing and optimizing your setup to ensure uptime, and in the...

Secure Uptime and Availability for Always-on Retail Success

For online retail companies, downtime is the worst-case scenario. Downtime or traffic slowdowns lead to a number of...

How to Get Away with Website Downtime Without Anyone Knowing

Downtime is always bad, and you want to avoid it. But sometimes you can get away with it. This is one of the magic...

Uptime at all Times: Origin Shield to the Rescue

Although it’s not a traditional cybersecurity method, origin shielding lets you protect your origin server(s) from...

Five Reasons Why You Need a Private CDN

Until recently, most users of private CDN solutions have had unique use cases, requiring flexibility and...