Frank Garland

Frank Garland

The Big Opportunity in Edge Computing

In a collaboration with STL Partners, Varnish has released a webinar “From CDN to Edge Content Delivery: Quantifying...

Secure your varnish connection with TLS

What is TLS? TLS, or Transport layer security, is a more modern version of the original SSL (Secure Socket Layer). It’s...

Understanding Varnish Configuration Language (VCL): The Basics

Recently, Varnish Technical Evangelist Thijs Feryn led a webinar covering Varnish Configuration Language (VCL), the...

Quickly Modify & Manage Custom Routing Logic with Varnish Controller 5.1

Varnish Controller is our orchestration tool, built to manage Varnish Enterprise architectures of any size. Packed with...

4 Key Takeaways from Black Friday And How You Can Use Them Next Year

Another Black Friday has come and gone, along with its sister shop-holiday Cyber Monday. Although with the continued...

Varnish for Internal IT Processes

Accelerate Your Internal IT Processes Your IT team is the lifeblood of your company, and their ability to efficiently...