Follow The Rabbit


Introducing Varnish DIY CDN

Not so long ago and not so far away, the idea of building your own CDN was a complex, remote and expensive proposition,...

Edge Logic: Securing Varnish with per-user JSON data

When using a traditional CDN or caching system, creating user-centric security and access policies can be a complex and...

Convenience in content delivery solutions: Choose your own adventure

You hear and read a lot these days about “taking back control of your content” … but are you really in control of your...

Control your own content: Building a private content delivery solution

“Not everybody does it but everybody should…” Okay, quoting George Michael circa 1987 won’t get us anywhere, and the...

Video content delivery - as important as the video itself

As marketers, we've been trained and gained experience in creating cross-platform content that will reach and hopefully...

Varnish Software & Cedexis partner to offer joint content delivery solution

Companies across industries are facing the need to transform not just to digital but also to adapt to a diverse set of...