Erika Wolfe
Technical Writer at Varnish Software
Latest Articles
- Erika Wolfe
- April 26, 2017
At this point, it’s probably true to state that you haven’t got much of an e-commerce or media service if you aren’t...
- Erika Wolfe
- April 20, 2017
With growth in size, things tend to slow down. Nowhere is this more true than with the web. Growing web page size...
parallel ESI
mobile web user experience
web content performance
optimize mobile content delivery
- Erika Wolfe
- April 12, 2017
Mobile web performance is key to meeting the accelerating proliferation of mobile as one of, if not the, most used...
web performance
marketing campaign perofrmance
Super Bowl campaigns
Super Bowl
preparing for viral video delivery
app performance
Super Bowl advertising
- Erika Wolfe
- January 23, 2017
As the cost of advertising during the Super Bowl game itself has soared, companies have become more creative in how...
- Erika Wolfe
- January 12, 2017
A lot of activities go hand in hand with the annual Super Bowl, the final championship game of America’s National...
parallel ESI
increase web performance
mobile web user experience
web content performance
web page loading
mobile web performance
- Erika Wolfe
- December 27, 2016
I’ll let you in on a little secret. I started writing this post a year ago when 2016 dawned. You know how it is: when a...
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