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video streaming

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Varnish Cache New Release Varnish Features Varnish Cache 7.5

Varnish Cache 7.5 Is Now Available

March 15th just passed, which means we can expect a new release of Varnish Cache. As a quick reminder: every year on...

Varnish Cache Just Got a New Image

A new Docker image was expected since Varnish Cache 7.5 just got released a few days ago. But this time, the new image...

Varnish Controller 6.0 Makes Varnish Easier Than Ever

Varnish Controller 6.0 is here! This represents a milestone for Varnish Software and the evolution of Controller, our...

Announcing the Official Varnish Enterprise Helm Chart

We’re happy to announce the availability of the official Varnish Enterprise Helm Chart. Helm is a package manager and...

Store Terabytes of Video at the Edge of your Network

How do the biggest video-streaming platforms in the world manage to store so much video and serve it so fast to such...

How green is my streaming?

The level of global video streaming has skyrocketed since the Covid-19 crisis began, with more people staying at home,...

Rethinking broadcasting in a streaming video world

Sometime during the 2020-21 Covid-19 pandemic, video streaming, which had already gained a foothold in terms of...

Origin shield: Protecting your backends

When it comes to deploying video -- both on-demand and live -- content and delivering with a good quality of experience...

Supporting the future of work

In the wake of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, many things have changed - suddenly. We have seen unprecedented disruption...

Balance architectural efficiency & network scale: 100Gbit/s video delivery

Hammering home the performance-performance-performance theme again and again, we’ve told the story of caching and...